The following issue has been ever since the first version of CC4, also IC8. On Win7 reduce idle load mainly works, but when enabling it moving around windows behaves like shown in the picture....More
Hello, (I was told by Rampa in Support to contact you) I’ve been working with support to correct the problem (for the last week ticket #246031) that occurred right after and I mean I was working on a project that I’ve been working on for the last two months and reallusion hub notified me that...More
I updated CC to version 4.4, and now the thumbnails for Packs are no longer showing. Instead, there are generic thumbnails. See the attached screenshot: CC44_Pack_thumbnails_not_showing.jpg. Steps to reproduce:...More
I've suggested this idea in an earlier FT post but you've since added more compatible and worthwhile technology like AI Headshot and the Wrinkle System so I am pointing out the existing tech you already have to make this possible. A superior product catered to every unique users face for...More
You have animated morph slider functionality in Motion Live, we need this same functionality in the facial profile editor but highlight either a radial button next to the active slider or the label itself during facial calibration animations so we can better see which slider morph is at fault...More
CC4.31, Headshot 2.01. A similar issue has been reported earlier IIRC. When editing the headshot photo diffuse map a few times, reprojecting the photo, readjusting skin color etc and editing the diffuse map again a few times the base color map (see screenshots) seems to become currupted. I...More
1. Sending Character from Iclone 8 to CC4. (Note CC4 is NOT open). 2. Pop up message appears - ("Certain installed items have received updates. Would you like to retrieve these updates and refresh the Content Manager. Yes/No"). 3. A few seconds later the Character loading pop-up appears and...More
Hi, I used this feature before while transforming an armor model to cc4 base character Kevin. Well, the problem is, that I imported a Vroid character and after the characterization, I imported the 3D Clothes for my character. Now, transfer skin weights is not visible on the menu and I can't...More
Problem: For the longest time, the mirror option in CC4 had been mirroring the weights to the other side of the model on a bone that is either designated as left or right. Solution: It makes more sense if you make mirroring to opposite bone default (if the bone is named left or _L or _Right...More