I only updated CC4 and it stopped working (sending files to Zbrush. I've tried removing facetool folder and file from the ZPlugins64 and uninstalled face tools from the Hub to then reinstall to reset everything but it changed nothing. I am reluctant to post here any more for bugs as I've stated...More
Add possibility to right click over colors to copy rgb value and then right click to another Color Value to paste it. Especially usefull while working with airs patches...More
Hello, i have discovered when importing OBJ with or without Metallic/Roughness maps , both are not editable. Only when replacing them, export the imported obj and re-import it or deleting the maps (DEL) , then Undo with STRG+Z makes them editable. I asume this must be a bug. Please refer...More
1. Make a character through HeadShot2 2. Apply "Female Asian.ccSkinGenP..." to the character When the window pops up, you can't do anything, including clicking the close button...More
1- Program freezes or crashes moving accessory meshes (before skinning them), it's not a consistent bug but it happens often. 2- Meshes loose textures when rendering with "Render with Max Texture Resolution"...More