I'm a new user of Character Creator 3, I encountered a serious problem when Importing my marvelous designer work into Character Creator 3, the belt and outline of my garment disappeared in Character Creator, but they look perfect in my marvelous designer, Plz see the attached files, thank you...More
Going through the HEADSHOT VIDEO turorials , the main guy provides excellent audio and can be understood quite well even for non english customers (at least me). Against that certain videos (example: Headshot Plug-in Tutorial - Advanced Eye Editing - by 3Dtest ) are simply BAD. VERY Bad audio...More
Create a character in CC3+ - I used the standard/default female, and added airbangs as the hairstyle. Nothing else was changed. I then followed the Unreal export tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyfKQyXvTAc to import into my unreal engine 4.27.2...More
Hi there, After getting my first time preview with eye Icon at the top let, I can see when I go to edit mesh all vertices and lines flickering. I have 3090RTX and AMD threadripper 3970x....More
Hi this little bug goes like this. 1. you are in headshot and have a head in the viewport of your char 3. you activate the sculpt morph tool and use the full head with more control points you see it on the char all points lite up when selected...More
I had purchased Charachter Creator 3 first and I was using it with trial version of iClone 7. I was able to to build character using Headshot and then import it to iClone BUT After I purchased iclone and installed full version of iClone. Characters built with Headshot in CC3 , errors out...More