Greetings.... I have discovered that, under certain conditions the iRay plugin renders (or 'shows') the 'scalp' of an Avarar - when it *should* be hidden beneath the hair. ● To view a picture of the exact render problem, please see here;...More
After following the steps below, I get a visual bug, where all the "smooth tesselation" polygons will always be displayed, even though it is disabled. It is not actually smoothing the mesh. There is no way to fix this visual bug even when reloading CC. It seems that it is only a visual bug...More
It would be nice to have "render to texture", "render baking", "cycles texture baking". This would help a lot in game development because you don't need to run shadow or material render in the game itself. Many other 3d software have this feature. 3ds-max:...More
CC is great but would be great to be able to import this style character and morph between these and regular CC Chars. Also this style of clothing....More
Greetings, I found out that CC3 Base character vertices weight table is not symmetrical in the neck zone -- see pic. I did not tested all vertices so, to be sure, will be good if You will copy-paste weights of all vertices from one side to another....More
It would be nice add options on the skinning/mesh, depening on the use of a CC1/3 M/F character, instead of having to add it as a separate piece of clothing....More
If you try to scrub back and forth in the calibration animation while it's playing, it creates a wireframe model from the frame you scrubbed to, which doesn't go away untill you pause and play again. This does not happen if the animation is paused when you scrub....More
It appears that the entire "Essential Clothing Pack" textures come with fake shadows, between the legs. Shadows baked on the original cloths textures. This not only looks fake, it looks like the characters are wearing dirty cloths. Please update this pack with textures, with no shadows....More
Of course, the conversion works well via LOD. Even the smaller avatars can be used in Iclone for mass sceneries. Conversion of the fbx with 3dx7 and conversion to non-standard also works without problems. In order for CC3 avatars to automatically assign the bones as a non-standard species...More
Requesting Cookie and Candy/Gumdrop base series of characters to be available for CC3 transformer.