has anyone resolved this? just ran into a similar issue myself.
I can confirm the same issue, File > FBX fails to export in some cases, but the pipeline plugin successfully exports FBX. Here is a test file for example: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/alozmn459v8ak8s3b5r59/ANIM_A001.iProject?rlkey=1lir72xxg919or5fdknl52brj&dl=0
Hi PEACECITY, Did this issue still happen in CC v4.2? If so, feel free to let me know! Thanks for your help! Calvin Reallusion
This is something I've been experiencing. Can provide a project if that helps. To add to the mystery.... I find that these projects that fail to export can still be exported using the Blender Pipeline Plugin (in CC4). When I hit this issue I usually export using the 'to Unity' setting in the plugin and then from the Blender tool I export to Unity. That works. So somehow the issue lies in the CC4 default exporter
Hi PEACECITY, Thanks for your feedback! Cause we can't reproduce the issue, could you record a screen video to reproduce this issue? You can upload video to YouTube and attach the link in your next comment. Thanks for your help! Calvin Reallusion.