Character Creator 2
Not Reproducible
Issue 3622
Will not load up normally, crashes
I just installed Character Creator 2.12 and when it loads I do not see a model there it has a white screen with bits and pieces of other menus on the screen, when I try to click new file, it tries to load then I get "Failed to load the file" twice and then the program crashes.

Please help

This is A Dell All-in-one Corei7 16 Gb Ram , 14 gig left free on HD
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  3136
Submitted byrick.melges
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How do I run this on a Mac inside a Windows virtual machine?
Do I need to buy a whole new Windows PC with an expensive GPU just to run this software?
i HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM. I have Iclone 7 AND CC2 on two computers working side by side. Now, CC2 does not work one one of them but it was before. CC2.2 is giving me problems. Same white screen as described above, and then it says "Failed to load file". I can not run it stand alone or send character from IC7. I am connected to the internet always. I have uninstalled and re installed, delete the temp folder, etc.. Could it be a problem where I should deactivate and then re install. On the website my computers are correctly labeled?? Please let me know..
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, rick.melges,

As wires said, if you uninstall CC while your PC was online, the license will be returned, and then you can install CC into another computer. But if there are any reason that the license did not returned, you can follow this FAQ to deactivate a license from your PC.

But first, could you confirm that was there an AMD or nVidia graphic card in your Dell 9010 All-in-one PC? Or was it use only the Intel integrated Graphic?

CC does not support Intel integrated Graphic, so it could have some display problem or crash on that machine.

You can only install iClone and CC on 2 computers, and you can only have 1 version running at any time. If you wish to install the software on a 3rd machine then you must first uninstall one of the other versions. It is very important to make sure that the PCs are connected to the internet during the install/uninstall process. There is a max on the number of installs, and if you exceed this number than you need to contact Reallusion Support directly for assistance using the link below.
Ok, I have been trying all the computers I have and have reinstalled it on the same computer thinking I was doing something wrong, and Now have exhausted the number of installs. How do I get more? I only have 3 computers that I have tried. I have unistalled it on 2 computers. what should i
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