iClone 8
Issue 8971
Sync iClone Timeline play/scrub with Unreal Sequencer
Final test record (drivable) car animation in Unreal with Take Recorder
and add character + animation (iClone to Unreal Live Link transfer motion)

How to do?
Record your drivable car with Take Recorder, be sure to set "possessable" in Take Recorder "Record Type"...
After you have done this, disable physics in car blueprint!
And also disable "Auto Possess Player" in Pawn.
Add your recorded scene to sequencer...
Transfer your character from IC to UE and attach to your car root (from scene).
Unfortunately we still don't have a "link" that starts sequencer when we hit play in IC.
OR am I missing something??
We have timecode sync for accurate transfer but that does not help in this case
as you need to see characters motion attached to moving car in sequencer...
So my character animation was a bit working "in the dark", went luckily quite well, errors hidden with camera work.

@RL any way to get this done? Start UE sequencer when hit play in IC (when Link is activated)?
Would be very helpful to create/sync our animation before transfer.
Esp. in this case where my linked character is attached to an already moving car.
Hard to create/tweak animation without this feature...

OS: Windows 10
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Submitted bytoystorylab
Thanx for re-open this! As I still don't really get what I need...
I animate a car in Unreal, set up cameras in Unreal and attach an iClone character to that car.
I want to sync play/scrub of timeline IC with UE sequencer BEFORE recording.
When I now hit play/scrub, I see my animation synced in Unreal THOUGH that won't sync with sequencer.
In my case sync with animation in sequencer is important to create/tweak my animation in IC.
With this solution I would see my character with my sequencer cameras sitting in moving car...

So, please "tinker" a sync to start sequencer when hit play AND scrub timeline IC WITHOUT recording.

I hope it is clear what I want/need...

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