Hi Duanyajak, Sorry for the late reply. Here are my observations on your system information. 1. In some gaming laptops, the integrated GPU usually caused performance problems. It’s better to associate iClone running with the discrete GPU, which is nVidia GTX 1660 ti on your machine. Usually you can do it by right-click on the program icon, and select the GPU you wish to run the program. If this is not an option, you may need to check the manual of your machine about how to switch the GPU. 2. How do you connect your laptop to the external monitor? It seems your integrated GPU is running with extended display topology, and the discrete GPU is only connected to the HDMI output. You can try to connect the external monitor with HDMI and see if it makes any difference. I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Irving Reallusion
Attached is the system file
Hi duanyajak, Could you please attach your system information for us to take a look at? How to get your system information: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Home/HowToGet Please make sure your laptop is connected to the external monitors before running system information collector. Thanks! Irving Reallusion