Cartoon Animator 5
Issue 9249
Hitbox and Physics (solid and weight)
With the addition of spring bones, I love the random ability to allow the springs to add so much dynamic movement in otherwise static and tedious animation.

This suggestion would simply take the spring bones gravity functionality to an object's mass.

Imagine being able to simply bring in an object or bone actor, and check a box, called "PHYSICS"

When checked, you then have options that enable:
1. SOLID (HitBox edit)
2. GRAVITY (weight and density edit)

SOLID would simply enable the objects HITBOX (a new function in composer mode, where you define the hitbox of the object/character), while Gravity gives the object/character weight, mass, friction.

This would allow us to have objects interact with each other creating even more amazing, dynamic, automated 2D animation.

You could literally drop an object and it would self animate due to having weight in the gravity. The spring bones could be setup to make it even more interesting, where it drops and hits another solid enabled object/character, creating dynamic physics in the animation.

The gravity already works great in the SPRING bones, this is simply taking an entire object, or character and adding hitboxes (just like in or game engines) and gravity to the entire object.

Example of how this works in (2d no-code game engine)

CTA5 has already added the needed gravity functionality in the spring bones. This simply would add a SOLID option to sprites, where we could then add a HIT BOX (the area that interacts with other solid enabled sprite hit boxes) and gravity (weight, mass, friction) where we could add amazing amounts of dynamic interactive 2D animation.
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  724
Submitted byboxels
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another example of physics in MOHO:
Another great suggestion is to do what SPINE PRO allows. They allow weight on each bone/sprite, making say a hammer have mass/weight, so when it's in the hand of a character, it's weight affects the animation resistance of the character bone it's linked to.
See comments in Youtube Comment section here:
further update. 

Each sprite would need their own hitbox. The more i thought about it, the more I saw that the left arm needs it's own hitbox, the hip it's own hitbox, the head, it's own hitbox. That way as they move, so moves their hitbox with their respective sprite. This is probably obvious to a developer of CTA software, but i didn't clarify that, as it makes most sense to have each portion of the character have it's own hitbox. 

It would be fun as well to have PHYSICS be available for each part of a character, where you can turn on physics on just their feet, or head, or otherwise. 

Let's say we turn on PHYSICS option on the HEAD of a character. We setup the hitbox in the composer mode for the physics of the head. 

We then import and add PHYSICS on an object, say a ball. We edit it's hitbox in the composer mode. 

In the animation sequence we have ball mass, weight, so it falls when we press play. we drop it on the head of the character, it bounces off, giving the head a little jolt (bouncing the hair from spring bones) and then bounces to the ground object (where we also set a hitbox with physics on).
agreed @animatormelc. CTA4 was a great update, but it lacked just enough ooomph to make CTA really powerful for saving time and making amazing animations. CTA5 was a leap forward, and something like this would put CTA5 10 times higher on the animation tool spectrum. I'd go full time CTA5 with these being added. For now, it's making animations and using triggers in, to trigger new animations. That works for games, but to have it in animation would save hundreds of hours with dynamic hitbox solid behaviors. 

thanks for the feedback. Heres to future updates like these :D
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