Hi! My iclone project crashed! The project had 1GB size. It has no characters. It is a hotel room but with many props, lights and a lot of details, I imagine a lot of polygons too. Sometimes it crashed but I could reopen. The problem appeared after trying to make a rope with physics. After simulate the program closed and the project couldn't open again. It's charged until 70% and crashed again and again. I tried to open a new project without GI, physics and other alternatives, but nothing.
I don't know why but the project NOW has 6MB!..... so I think it may be corrupt, I don't know what else to do. I have a backup but is of six days ago. I lost many hours of work. Help!
I attach the 6mb file that I can open but there is nothing. Tell me if you want to see the 1.2GB backup.