Character Creator 4
Issue 8800
Edit Spring Partially working Please allow enabling of Spring Joints on extra arms, legs etc that didn't get included in HIK Characterization
I attached an video displaying that the spring effects are functional in the suction cups on the first arm set in front but not elsewhere because *by default* I don't have the option, why? All suction cups contain the same duplicated hand joints..

In the bone menu, when I click on "unused" handset bones on the second set of arms, then set to "used" then activate them as spring joints, they have no effect, even after grouping them in the front arms list -the spring effects that is working.

This is either a bug or wasn't considered. Yes it's odd that it will allow me to add functional spring effects on the duplicate hand joints on only the front arms, and the body area; esophagus, GI-Tract and Butt twist but not from the other limbs.

For this Creature base character, I'd like for customers to realize it's full potential. I will be making Native Body Physics textures that will help with the rubbery body effect but please give full access to any additional non-characterized bones for spring effects.
OS: Windows 10
  • adjust bones.jpg
  •  7
  •  582
Submitted byAscensi
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Also please allow springs on Used joints such as neck, eyes and Tongue!! Character Creator is too human oriented at the moment but even Humans as toon characters can benefit with these changes.
Hi Calvin thank you for your help, no,  the issue is all other "hand and handset joints and fingers on all other cloned arms and the legs that are not working. 

The Characterized *original* front arms have all the handsets working proper, it's the other hand, handsets and fingers on the other arms and legs that aren't working.  I circled an example in red in the attached photo (all are hand +finger joints) that don't work on the other arms and the legs. 3 armsets (all hand & finger joints) and the legs (all handsets, thumbs and fingers)  I don't want to apply spring joints to the arm joints.  

Additionally It could be awesome if possible, if springs can be applied to characterized bones like the neck01 and head, clavicle or upperarm and hand,  thigh and foot  setting the bounce to 2 or so, it might give an instant ragdoll effect combined with animating spring joint strength.

 I know it's not possible at this time but I would like to be able to apply it to the regular characterized hand and fingers as well to match all the other hand and finger spring assignments. 

Also, a few suggestions/requests 1. Allow retargeted/characterized joints to have spring joint applied - could be very useful applied on neck01+Head,  Clavicle or upper arm+hand joint and thigh+foot as a simple ragdoll effect if object hits character or has a lot of movement . I understand this can be done with reach targets but not at the level I'm aiming for because to get the effect on the retargeted hand, I'd have to create a sphere for each finger and hand, it doesn't sound practical for time and would be heavy on performance to add more geo.  

 2. It would be helpful if we could group select the joints in the Bone list when filtering to make them active and added to the list at once or even better drag and drop under a particular group in the group settings list. 

Thankyou for your help.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Ascensi,

Thanks for your feedback!
I have download your project, and I used the feature "Edit Spring" and add some bone as spring bone.
Please check this video and see the result, is this a result you wanted?

Additionally, spring joints should be able to be used on Characterized joints such as neck bones and hands. I have spring joints on all other duplicated hand joints but I can't apply it to the main hands.
Here is a higher quality demonstration, only the front legs are showing spring effects working even though every suction cup/hand joint is grouped under the same effect.

Here is my latest project file:

 I also can't get get GoZ to work with the facial profile editor.. when returning the updated model via goz or all etc it tells me that the facial profile editor has to be active and it already is each time I've tried. I've also reported that mirror expressions isn't available for Humanoids/HIK (guess it's in development?) 
And lastly i don't know why the breast bone flips when animations are added to it ,  this is the latest project so maybe if you've discovered the reason and fixed it that you could share the project with me if a bug fix for CC4 won't automatically fix it?
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