iClone 8
Issue 8976
Disable Playhead moving when Right Clicking TimeLine
When making edits to our motion clips on the timeline. We would love to have the ability to define the play head with the left mouse button and then right-click the motion clip for the editor drop-down menu. However, we would love for the play-head to move or jump to the location of the mouse when clicking the right mouse button.

We find it easier to define the play-head with the left mouse button and then call the menu to edit with the right. It is difficult to make precise edits when the right mouse moves the play-head.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  392
Submitted byHEAT_TEAM
Absolutely.  This is just bad design.  Please fix it Reallusion!
Completely agree with animaliok here, any support here would be greatly appreciated!
I think I found a way to remove this right-click current frame jump, but I forgot how, so at the moment I'm unable to use iClone because of that.  This should not be a feature, there will never be a reason to both open a context menu and move in the timeine in a single action. right click should always only open the context menu, and moving in the timeline is really just as fast by clicking on the frames above, than anywhere in the curve editor even with right click. Left click should also always only select keys, not select keys + move current frame on there, it makes the curve editor impossible to use, without any UI reasoning for these clicks time jump shortcuts.