Issue 10811
CTA 5.21 Pack Mode no Thumbnails and weird behave on subfolders
Hello there,
Thanks for the Update on CTA5, but i think changing the the pack view without thumbnails to the way it is now was a mistake.
It is extremely confusing to navigate without thumbnails. (see image a1) The whole new pack view is very confusing too.
Not shure if this a bug or intended. You only get abunch of the same icons and if a lot is installed you must read the description one by one until you
find the pack you want to open, definately a downgrade. Additionally On a 4K monitor this is a problem because of small fonts.
Image 3a , 3a1 and 3b, 3c show a weird and hard to understand navigation (buggy?). (I was not able to understand the logic behind it, and i am a progammer ;-) )
I navigated to the all-actor-spine folder. There appears another "actor" folder which somehow doesnt make sense. (3a1). When clicking on it i end up in exactly the same spine folder (3a) but now showing the spine items. Something must be wrong here. Also when from this folder clicking on "actor", i and up in all-actor-human but with missing navigation icons (see top navigation icona on 3b). Against that 3c shows the same folder all-actor-human but with all top icons when navigation back with the top left arrow to all, then actor- human.
I my eyes the content mamanger of 5.12 was good enough. 5.2 shouldnt have such a difficult to impossible to understand navigation. I guess you are not using thumbnails anymore because because of the weird subfolder structure. Thumbnails are a must ! This way its a downgrade on usablility in my eyes.
Submitted byK_Digital
Oct 5, 2023