iClone 8
Issue 9258
Autoblink is not saved from Character Creator, thus autoblink should be default normal in iClone
Load or create character
Set autoblink
Export iAvatar
Reload into iClone or Character Creator
There is no autoblink


If you send the avatar directly to iClone instead of saving it, the auto-blink does follow.

It might not seem like a big deal, but I just replaced an avatar that was blinking before with a version of the same avatar dressed differently, and this time neglected to re-add the auto-blink after rendering 2000 iray frames. Days of work gone.

This looks like a Character Creator bug, but I honestly think that NONE is a poor default choice for an "animation" program. How often would an animator NOT want a character to blink at all?

I can let slide the needless "rule" that you have to re-add an updated object to the animated objects list, but constantly having to police autoblink shouldn't be a thing. This isn't one of those insurmountable engineering issues. It's a WILL issue. It can just be if you deem it. Why even have it as a parameter in Character Creator if you can't save it? Most people would prefer biological characters to blink, even cartoon characters. I even addressed this in a screenplay once, when a character asked an android why it blinked and idles. The "android responded that, 'When we don't mimic your involuntary motions, it makes you nervous. When we do mimic you, you are engrossed at how well we do it." Normal should be the default, not none.

I know how hard it is to vote on the smallest change. If there is some person at the table there who feels that a default normal would upset the fabric of the universe, then how about just adding it to preferences in the program? Let us decide what is the default.
OS: Windows 11
  •  0
  •  247
Submitted byJeffster The Mighty