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  • Smart Content Manager provides one-click installation of free designer resources and purchased assets. With powerful tag and search functions, all items can be easily found without fumbling through numerous asset folders. NEW!
  • Convenient editing with viewport gizmos: select, transform, link, etc. and navigational tools for camera zoom, pan, and rotate.
  • Two specialized editing environments: Composer Mode for character and prop setup, and Stage Mode for animation editing.
  • Timeline editor for fine-grained control over keyframing and timing.
  • Select between White or Dark mode for the preferred style of the UI.

3D Camera System

  • Use the Preview Camera to review scenes, and the Live Camera to animate camera positions with key frames.
  • Customize camera views with pan, rotate, and zoom tools.
  • Quickly switch between Perspective and Orthographic views for a 2D or 3D sensations.
  • Navigate scenes in Perspective mode to experience realistic 3D camera movements.

Smoothly Animate Along a Path

Prepare your Scene with the Safe Zone

Render Style for Vector-based Content (For G2 Characters & Props Only)

  • Instantly change scene styles to match different project scenarios.
  • Find various color profiles and quickly change color groups to match the tone of the environment.
  • Apply render style to multiple selections at once.


Multiple-track Selection and Editing

  • Select an object and its subsidiary tracks for fast group editing.
  • Copy & paste, Time Shift, and Time Scale adjustment over multiple element tracks.

Simulate Cartoon Physics with Motion Curves

  • Create cartoon-style animations by applying Transition Curves to Transform Keys, and Time Warp to Motion Clips.
  • Simulate real-world physics like slowing down, speeding up, free falling, bouncing, floating, or accelerating a linear motion clip.

Animate Characters

Animate body motions with up to 16 individual body segment tracks, with facial motion tracks that are divided into voice scripts, morphs and sprite-based categories.
More Facial Timeline features >

Animate Props

Key frame editing for opacity, transform, visibility, link, path animation, deformation, sprite switching, and flipping with blending effects.