Directly drag-n-drop native PopcornFX (.pkfx) particle effects into the iClone viewport. Edit PopcornFX textures using the universal Adjust Color tools. Several critical bugs have also been solved for the Super Tools. More details on the PopcornFX Plug-in 1.01 Forum.
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1) Plug-in
Fixed: Cast Shadow checkbox is disabled under Modify > PopcornFX > Emitter-Distortion.
Fixed: Alpha Remapper texture channel is hidden under Modify > PopcornFX > Particle > Emitter-Distortion.
Fixed: Ribbon Emitter's normal, metallic, and roughness texture channels fail to show.
Fixed: Inverted reflections on Super Tool - Ribbon Emitters using PBR enabled materials (e.g. Alpha_Blend, Alpha Blend_4).
Fixed: Excessively strong AO from the Mesh Emitter with rendered videos and images due to improper ordering of the AO render buffer.
2) Super Tools
Texture & Distortion Emitter:
Fixed: The orientation of the Gizmo was not taken into consideration when the align mode was set to Horizontal. Forum Report
Mesh Emitter:
Fixed: The resulting rotation was incorrect when Forward to Velocity was disabled.
Fixed: The emitted mesh was erroneously rotated when Spin Speed along Velocity was set to 0.
Fixed: Scale Y and Scale Z attributes were mistakenly swapped.
Fixed: The behavior of Initial Rotate (X/Y/Z) and Free Rotation Speed (X/Y/Z) was improved by mimicking those of the conventional 3D tools. Forum Report
Ribbon Emitter:
Fixed: There was incorrect behavior with the Radius Increment Fade Out attribute.
Fixed: There was no effect from the green channel of Texture for Emission, which is used to determine the size of the Ribbon.
Fixed: Velocity (X/Y/Z) gave incorrect results.
Fixed: There was no effect from the Size Randomness attribute.
Fixed: Distortion Intensity for Ribbon was ineffectual and therefore removed from the new Ribbon Emitter tool.
Fixed: Added Z-axis to the Ribbon Twist Direction attribute.
v1.0 released on 2017-09-18
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Grand launch
1.0v1.0 (1.0.0506.1) released on May 12th, 2022Compatible with iClone (1.01.1519.1) released on 2018-04-11Directly drag-n-drop native PopcornFX (.pkfx) particle effects into the iClone viewport. Edit PopcornFX textures using the universal Adjust Color tools. Several critical bugs have also been solved for the Super Tools. More details on the PopcornFX Plug-in 1.01 Forum. 1) Plug-in
Fixed: Cast Shadow checkbox is disabled under Modify > PopcornFX > Emitter-Distortion.
Fixed: Alpha Remapper texture channel is hidden under Modify > PopcornFX > Particle > Emitter-Distortion.
Fixed: Ribbon Emitter's normal, metallic, and roughness texture channels fail to show.
Fixed: Inverted reflections on Super Tool - Ribbon Emitters using PBR enabled materials (e.g. Alpha_Blend, Alpha Blend_4).
Fixed: Excessively strong AO from the Mesh Emitter with rendered videos and images due to improper ordering of the AO render buffer.
2) Super ToolsTexture & Distortion Emitter:
Fixed: The orientation of the Gizmo was not taken into consideration when the align mode was set to Horizontal. Forum ReportMesh Emitter:
Fixed: The resulting rotation was incorrect when Forward to Velocity was disabled.
Fixed: The emitted mesh was erroneously rotated when Spin Speed along Velocity was set to 0.
Fixed: Scale Y and Scale Z attributes were mistakenly swapped.
Fixed: The behavior of Initial Rotate (X/Y/Z) and Free Rotation Speed (X/Y/Z) was improved by mimicking those of the conventional 3D tools. Forum ReportRibbon Emitter:
Fixed: There was incorrect behavior with the Radius Increment Fade Out attribute.
Fixed: There was no effect from the green channel of Texture for Emission, which is used to determine the size of the Ribbon.
Fixed: Velocity (X/Y/Z) gave incorrect results.
Fixed: There was no effect from the Size Randomness attribute.
Fixed: Distortion Intensity for Ribbon was ineffectual and therefore removed from the new Ribbon Emitter tool.
Fixed: Added Z-axis to the Ribbon Twist Direction attribute.
1.0v1.0 released on 2017-09-18
Grand launch