Texture Channel UV Offset and Tiling

Mapping Issues from Google SketchUp and 3D Warehouse

We can easily download SketchUp (SKP) 3D models and convert them into iClone. However, if the original model from Google SketchUp has no prior texture assignment (purely with default color material), then the result may be grainy when you apply texture in 3DXchange.

Custom UV Offset and Tiling

3DXchange provides a Texture Channel UV Offset and a Tiling feature to solve this problem. You may also use these features to best align a texture map to the target faces.


  • Hold the up/down controls of the UV Offset and Tiling values to immediately see the texture changes in the 3D viewer.

  • For more information, please refer to Synchronizing UV Changes to Channels.

How to fix the grainy texture tiling issue

  1. Select the mesh with grainy texture.

  2. Press the Material Picker and click on the face.

  1. Select the Diffuse channel and click the buttons to load an image as the diffuse texture. In the illustration below, the massive grainy texture tile makes it look like a solid color.

  1. Adjust the Tiling value to create an appropriate mapping result. In most SketchUp cases, this is a small value:
    Tiling U = 0.010
    Tiling V = 0.010

Adjusting Individual Texture Channels

We can create many possible multi-texturing effects by altering the values of Offset and Tiling to different texture channels.



Tiling U: 0.050
Tiling V: 0.010

Tiling U: 0.010
Tiling V: 0.020



Tiling U: 0.010
Tiling V: 0.010

Tiling U: 0.040
Tiling V: 0.040

Rotating and Flipping a Texture Image

Original Texture

button clicked

button clicked

button clicked