Synchronizing Texture UV Changes to All Channels

A material with multiple textures presents a higher degree realism. However as the UV offset or tiling values are adjusted, all related channels must have the identical UV values in order to maintain the correct mapping results.

3DXchange provides two features to help synchronize the UV values between multiple texture channels.

Lock Ratio

Enable the Lock Ratio box to simultaneously adjust the U and V values.

Lock Ratio: unchecked.

Adjust Tiling U from 1 to 2.
(Tiling V remains 1)

Lock Ratio: checked.

Adjust Tiling U from 1 to 2.
(Tiling V changes to 2 simultaneously)

Affect All Channels

When this option is enabled, any change in the UV offset or tiling value will be applied to the other texture channels - Diffuse, Bump, Opacity, Specular, Glow. Only the reflection and blend maps will remain unchanged. Below We will take the Diffuse and Bump maps as example.

Current Channel: Diffuse.

Affect All Channels: unchecked.

Adjust Offset U from 0 to 0.5.

Only the Diffuse map moves.

Current Channel: Diffuse.

Affect All Channels: checked.

Adjust Tiling U from 0 to 0.5.

Bump map moves simultaneously.