Reallusion Certified Training Centers

Learn 2D & 3D Animation from Certified Training Centers


Reallusion Training Headquarters

USA · English

Georgia State University

3D Animator

The CMII on the campus of GSU is the official Reallusion demo and training center featuring courses in Virtual Production, Game Design and Animation with the Reallusion pipeline.

Training Centers Worldwide

Malaysia · English

Betapuru Digital Studio

3D Animation Website >

Betapuru Digital is an innovative animation studio specializes in crafting stunning 3D animations and immersive digital content that captivates audiences across various industries. Offering hands-on training with practical experience and skill development for unleash creativity.

Mexico · English

2D Animation 101

2D Animation Website >

2D Animation 101 has initiated more than 10,000 students to being their animation journey by providing step-by-step training videos and practical exercises, designed exclusively for people with little time.

Latin America · Spanish

Libel Academy

3D Animation Website >

Libel Studios is an online 3D training school, aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of our students, increasing their possibilities in the labor market of the creative industries.

New Zealand · English

Virtual Production Dojo

3D Animation Website >

Virtual Production Dojo offers industry-intensive, hands-on training, exposure to emerging technologies of real-time graphics, machine learning, and interactive tools. The production workflow empowers to further evolve skills for the screen and games industry.

Turkey · Turkish

Navras Akademi

3D Animation Website >

At Navras academy, students take their first steps in the field confidently by receiving high-level trainings that combine theory with hands-on practice for each subject they want to specialize in.

China · Chinese


3D Animation Website >

YiiHuu is an online training platform providing tutorial videos, master classes, and on-site training camps for students to acquire knowledge in multiple fields; from 2D graphic design all the way to AAA level 3D design and animation.


Become Reallusion Certified Training Centers

Reallusion supports those who devote to producing high quality courses on Reallusion software. As a Reallusion certified training center, you will receive the benefits as stated, for us to provide a high standard learning experience together.


  • Special discount on the latest Reallusion solutions


  • Special discount on software to bundle with the courses
  • Provide additional coupons to attach with the courses

Additional Benefits

  • Additional benefits may be included on different terms and conditions. Benefits will be provided at its discretion


  • Promotion through Reallusion official online channels


  • Reallusion certificate
  • Use of Reallusion certified training center logo
Apply now

If you wish to become Reallusion certified training centers, simply complete this form and we will assign a dedicated account manager to contact you after 3-7 business days of evaluation.

*To become a Reallusion certified training center, your facility must meet the minimum requirements:


The training center must obtain the latest software and have at least 1 Reallusion certified trainer


Consists of several high quality training courses

All languages are welcome!

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  • Verification
    * Website
    Please provide the official website of your facility.
    * Certified Reallusion trainers (Please divide each name with a comma)
    Please provide the name(s) of certified Reallusion trainer(s) affiliated with your facility.
  • Purchase Detail
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    Please select your number of computers on site
    * Select the products you are interested in
    Please select the products you are interested in.
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