Minimum System Requirements:
Dual core CPU
2GB free hard disk space
Display Resolution: 1024 x 768
Color Depth: True Color (32-bit)
Video Memory: 256MB RAM
Recommended System Requirements:
Intel Core i5 CPU or higher
8GB RAM or higher recommended
4GB free hard disk space or higher recommended
Display Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
Video Memory: 256MB RAM or higher recommended
(The actual performance is subject to the imported image size and the amount of layering effects you applied to the project. If you plan to work with images in high resolution, we recommend you have sufficient working memory and a higher speed CPU.)
Additional Requirements:
3-button mouse
Internet connection required for online activation and content purchase
DirectX 9
Operating System:
Windows 10 /Windows 8 /Windows 7 /Windows Vista /Windows XP (With Service Pack 3 or later)
Support for 32-bit and 64-bit operating system.
*** Note: Only compatible with non Virtual Machine software or windows feature like Hyper-V, [more info]. Whereas for Mac system, may run on a separate Windows OS by using "BootCamp".
Mac Requirements
4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
Display with 1280-by-768 resolution or higher
2.4GB of disk space
OS X v10.9 - v10.14