FaceFilter Photo Editor
Reallusion 3D animation software

Enhance, Repair and Restore Digital Images

FaceFilter enables you to enhance, repair and restore spoilt or poor digital photos. Powerful control over all aspects of the facial image enables you to make anything from subtle repairs to a spoilt photo right through to a full makeover. Photos ruined by bad expressions can be repaired by changing to a good or positive expression. Sleepy or blinking eyes can be widened to look more awake or eyes can be narrowed to give that sly look.

Faces can be revamped to look more beautiful by subtle adjustment of the proportion, width, balance and feature position. Your face can even be slimmed to loose those extra few pounds.

To restore under or over exposed images FaceFilter includes basic color adjustment features including Contrast, Brightness, Hue and Saturation controls.

For some lighthearted entertainment, exaggerated adjustment of the face can provide some funny & hilarious results. A selection of humorous facial templates are included to pull funny faces or make you look like different animals.

FaceFilter Studio
$59.95 USD

"This program is great for professional photo labs and home users alike."
"Help your portrait subjects look their best with FaceFilter Studio software from Reallusion."
From FaceFilter users
"I have just purchased FaceFilter Studio and I think it is an incredible programme - thanks!"