
Talking Websites & Web content

Increase the impact of any website with CrazyTalk interactive web content. Interactive web guides produced with CrazyTalk are easily created and able to be delivered using the CrazyTalk web component for Internet Explorer or supported by any browser or operating system when exported as streaming video. Developers can take full control of CrazyTalk web content through advanced interactivity using Javascript or Visual Basic scripting languages.

Export Windows Steaming Media & RealMedia

Create CrazyTalk Video and audio capeable of being embedded into a web site and transmitted over a network that users can begin to play immediately instead of waiting for the entire file to download.

Embedded Web player for Internet Explorer & FireFox

Internet Explorer & Firefox users can easily embed the CrazyTalk web player into web pages for a totally interactive talking digital web host able to be customized further for advanced web developers through javascript.

Install the new player |See the functional demo | CrazyTalk Web Examples

Advanced Script level access to property, method and event controls

The CrazyTalk web player is open for developers to access client-side controls allowing for custom solutions to be authored through Javascript and Visual Basic script.

See the CrazyTalk 4 web player white paper: PDF version, Word version

Click to download

Sample scripts to assist developers in learning how to control a talking image

Quickly learn how to develop with the CrazyTalk advanced script controls through our online sample scripts. See CrazyTalk's web player utilized in numerous custom web applications allow you to see the full potential of what CrazyTalk can do for your Internet Explorer web pages and applications.

See the sample script

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<font color="#CCCCCC" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> <p><Talking animated egreeting cards, CrazyTalk is an innovative and easy-to-use software tool for creating animated talking messages from any still digital image or digital photo. Images are brought to life by morphing and appearing to lip-synch with recordings of your own voice, imported audio files or text messages. Messages can be sent as animated greetings cards, instant talking messages, sent as talking email or as an interactive web assitant or virtual host></p> <a class="link_ct" href=""><View our Talking Image Gallery></a> <a class="link_ct" href=""><Download free trial of CrazyTalk Home Edition or CrazyTalk Web Edition></a><br> <a class="link_ct" href=""><View the CrazyTalk features which help to make your images talk by morphing and lip-syncing></a><br> <a class="link_ct" href=""><View the CrazyTalk Showcase which shows examples of how CrazyTalk can be used as an interactive host on your web site></a> <p><CrazyTalk Web Edition has all the features of the Home Edition with the addition of being able to create interactive talking content for your web site. Talking messages can be exported using .wmv & .rm streaming media formats which can be directly published on your website or imported into tools like FlashMX. For truly interactive content the ActiveX web player can be controlled by JavaScript giving you the ability to react to user driven events.> </p> </font>