German Heer Officer's Visor Cap

German Heer Officer's Visor Cap

Artist : Pixe4Fiction

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*For CC v4.20 or above.
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COLLECTION of German army (HEER/Wehrmacht) officer's visor Caps caps

In this collection, you'll find the main army officer (heer) caps. The differences are very "symbolic", mainly the color of the piping changes... and sometimes the national emblems (gold or the current "silver" version).

In truth, if we consider that each officer preferred to make his own personalized cap at the master tailor's, rather than the one supplied as part of the kit... we can say that there were as many different caps as there were officers... Another fact is that towards the end of the war, with the shortage of basic materials, we witnessed a deterioration in manufacturing quality. 

The faithful reproduction presented here corresponds to a high-quality version.

In order to identify the different army corps, the German army adopted a colorimetric distinction in the border (Piping) of the cap. The caps shown here are for general officers, panzer, cavalry, infantry, staff commander... if you'd like to add one or more units (signal, administration, medical... the list is quite long), please let me know by private message, and I'll add the model as and when requested... free of charge!

This Pack include:

1 German (Heer) Officer's Visor Cap

7 variations: (in accordance with wehrmacht color codes)

General officer (silver emblem)

General officer post 1943 (gold emblem)

Panzer Officer 

Cavalry Officer (silver emblem)

Cavalry officer (gold emblem)

General staff command

Infantry officer

As a reminder, we're only talking about the "Heer" army here. SS", "Luftwaffe", "Kriegsmarine", "NSDAP", "Police"... these different corps will be represented in different packs.



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