Two levels of Expression Profiles are provided depending on the type of projects users choose. The 60+ morphs in the Standard level are compatible with most facial mocap such as ARKit, and are performance friendly for interactive XR or games. The 140+ morphs in the Extended level enable fine control over the nuances of the character's expressions, and are suitable for realistic production or AI driven digital humans. See Manual >
Faster and easier than imaginable with several ways to custom edit a facial pose in Character Creator or make full facial animation with timeline and curve editing in iClone.
Through Morph Sliders, directly access 60+ Standard or 140+ Extended blendshapes. There are several unique values of using morphs sliders giving complete control over expression details; allowing input of extrapolated strength values (+/- 200 ); observe what blendshapes are being triggered through the Muscle Panel and Expression Presets. Furthermore, keyword search custom target morphs and actually see the blendshape names and values when exporting to external 3D tools.
Professional character artists normally use an expression stylesheet as an animation reference to portray a character's personality. Character Creator gives all CC characters a set of generic expressions, and also allows character artists to fully make their custom expression settings.
In the Expression Profile Editor, designers can browse through characters facial morph sliders, select and tweak a specific expression morph simply by blending with modeling morphs. There are more than 300 expression morphs provided in CC for designers' free expression adjustment. Other than morphs, the mesh and bone adjustment value can also be updated to the selected expression slider to form an unique shape.
3D designers using Blender, Maya, or Max can batch update all edited morphs back to CC in one time. Since CC can export FBX characters with expression morphs, developers just need to fill in or modify those morph slots to get the custom result.
The lip shape customization feature works for both CC avatars and Humanoid characters. By default, all CC characters are supported with Phoneme Pair combining 8 lip shapes and 7 tongue shapes. Designers wishing to bring in custom scanned models or stylized characters benefit from 1:1 viseme (one-sound-one-shape) support for easier mapping.
Check iClone AccuLips page and users' work from 2021 Lipsync Animation Contest >
See Manual >
with predefined pairing curves
Select one or several effective regions, mouse drag to drive the corresponding muscle movement along eyelids, eyes, brows, cheeks, mouth, lips, and nasal area.
To easily create unlimited authentic human faces, you can either directly apply any of the presets for quick prototypes, or you can further refine the appearance through highly detailed facial sliders, grouped into intuitive segments such as: Skull, Forehead, Eye/Eyelash, Brow, Ear, Nose, Cheek, Jaw, Teeth and Mouth.
Any expression and lip shape slider changes in the Expression Profile Editor will immediately reflect Face Key adjustment, thus use the Animation Player - Calibration motions for facial and lipsync testing. These adjustments also affect the behavior of Facial Puppet and Facial Mocap in iClone, giving actors refined facial animation style.