プロジェクト名: 2020 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - Thank you for being my Dad.
作家: Christopher Burrows
A portion of the song - Thank you for being my dad by Jon Barker. This is dedicated to my Father, Reginald Burrows.
Please watch Full video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HjGlRGNQLQ
My works in progress can be seen at : https://www.artstation.com/cb_fx
Shout out to:
#iClone, #AccuLips, #LipSyncAnimation and the following URLs:
https://bit.ly/3w8aUa5 (iClone Home)
https://bit.ly/2Ui5VpP (Contest Home)
プロジェクト名: Star Trek Monologue
作家: Firicel Dănuț Constantin
I wanted to recreate one of my favourite scenes from the STAR TREK DS9 tv show. The one where Captain Benjamin Sisko formulate a computer log, in which he explains the state of the galaxy after he bribed and forged evidence that the enemy was planning to attack. The first section of that end monologue was used as reference for this shot.
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - Love
作家: James Orlando
Released this morning via Grimes' social media - here is a lip sync of the intro to her new song Love. This character is a custom Metahuman WIP I've created a groom and glasses for.
Made with #iClone, #AccuLips, #LipSyncAnimation
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - I'm Hunger
作家: Tobias Kolodziey
I'm Hunger, I'm thirst scene from Prince Caspian of Narnia movie.
CC character rendered in iClone.
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - (Hunter - Bjork)
作家: Perla Coral Ali Rafael
Animation based on the video clip: "Hunter" by Björk, one of my favorite artists.
- To create the character use Character Creator 3 and Zbrush to edit the mesh.
- Animation, lypsinc and rendering were done in IClone7.
- later the video effects were made in after effects and the video editing in Adobe Premiere.
About the creator: I am Perla Ali, Bolivian and I live in the city of La Paz, I am a graphic design student at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, since last year (2020) I have been interested in 3d modeling and animation, I am learning This is done online at Libel Academy and with other tutorials from platforms such as Art Station, YouTube, Crehana, etc.
WIP: https://youtu.be/tFyyD26DTis
プロジェクト名: Ponni and Mom
作家: Sibi Naayagam
It is a daughter and mom arguing. Done with Metahumans and iClone Acculips.
プロジェクト名: Get Out! Now!
作家: Andersson Javier Ortiz Tovar
My project is based on the introductory fragment of the song "Get Out! Now!" by the band Ayreon.
It is set in medieval times, in the great hall of an old temple where the events narrated by the warrior on stage took place.
WIP: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/J9XPBn
プロジェクト名: New Coke
作家: Linda Taylor
A play on constant new management initiatives at work.
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - Hyrise
作家: Tobias Kolodziey
Music Clip for Hyrise
プロジェクト名: 2021 Iclone Lip Sync Animation Contest - Find Love (Hikaru Utada)
作家: John Holland
My entry for the 2021 Iclone Lip Sync Animation Contest.
Based on the Shisedo Ultimune commercial feat. Hikaru's new song "Find Love".
プロジェクト名: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy With Bette Midler And The Andrews Sisters
作家: Steve Hatlestad
This is an recreation of the Andrews Sisters 1940's hit song, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Bette Midler joins the group. Patti is played by Zile Ohai, a blue troll, Laverne and Maxine are played by sphinx cats, Beatrice and Bonnie Yatch.
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - HAEVN
作家: Tobias Kolodziey
Music Clip for "Throw me a line" by Haevn.
LipSync created with the help of Replica Plugin and manually adjusted in iClone. CC character rendered in iClone
プロジェクト名: Don't Lose Hope
作家: John Wong
The Interrogator has a few things to say.
This animation was produced using an audio clip from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. I intended to do lighting work in blender and put a bag on the prisoner's head (this is why there is no facial animation on the prisoner).
WIP thread: https://forum.reallusion.com/Topic493181.aspx?Update=1
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - "Feelin Good"
作家: Nicholas Glassborow
A third entry wasn't really planned for but having learned some big lessons from my first entries I really had to try again to improve the quality of the lip sync. In addition I really wanted to do some work bringing Marvelous Designer clothes through the workflow, which turned out to be challenging.
Once again I was inspired by just hearing the song on a TV advert and figured it would be a fun project, which it has and after the year or so we've all had, hopefully we will all soon be feelin good!
I'm really pleased with this one after having overcome some issues I'd been having. Following some difficulties I have really been flat out on this one right up to the last minute.
Forun Link - https://forum.reallusion.com/495917/2021-iClone-LipSync-Animation-Contest-Feeling-Good
プロジェクト名: C9 Mountain
作家: Zimtower
A recreation of a scene in one of my first animations ever, this time with mocap. Using Perception Neuron and the Live Face app. Rendered in Blender with the Eevee renderer. https://youtu.be/Z7yIxFgDDDE?t=94
Based on content (World of Warcraft) owned by Blizzard Entertainment.
Song Artist: Kim Lukas
Song Name: Cloud 9 - Remix Edit
プロジェクト名: Buffy: No review
作家: Rayen Ramesar
My take on a portion of a scene from the tv show Buffy The Vampire Slayer. My main focus was getting Buffy to look alike both static and in motion.
My WIP Forum Thread, where you will be able to read more on how and why I made an attempt to participate in this contest, it was a race against time:
プロジェクト名: Sein oder nicht sein
作家: Wolfgang Stockinger
I wanted to test how well Acculips works with German language.
Therefore I reused an old character of mine.
I reworked the textures and removed some age spots. I also removed the eyebrows from the texture which are still from the Protogrammetry scan. After that I refined the geometry with some blendshapes and adjusted the texture with SkinGen. This should make the character look younger than before. Finally I gave the character a hairstyle with hair from the hair and beard builder.
After that I concentrated on the animation.
The lipsync was generated with Acculips. Bodyanimatin with a MoCapsuite from Rokoko and the Falcial animation with an Iphone.
The audio I finally recorded myself. I tried it before with Replica Studio. However, the whole thing was too emotionless for me.
プロジェクト名: It Came From the Pub
作家: Jari Penttinen
A remake of the classic Winston Churchill 1940 BBC radio speech
プロジェクト名: Drake - Hotline Bling
作家: Paul-Vincent Alexander
Submission to Reallusion 2021 IClone Lip Sync Contest. ( 30 secs max )
A caricature of Drake and the infamous Hotline Bling video.
Have been using Reallusion software for about two weeks and with about 48 hours until deadline - I attempted a render ( the horror ). iClone and CC3 are incredibly powerful tools and I'm certain under the right skill set and time, some incredible animations can be compiled in Reallusions software package.
Drake was modeled in Character Creator 3.
Body animations were compiled in OpenMMD ( AI Pose Estimator ) using recorded footage.
Animation from "MoCap" was retargeted in Motion Builder, then applied in 3DXchange, where it was piped into iClone.
Facial animations was a blend of facial MoCap and viseme editing within iClone 7.
Scene was built and rendered in iClone 7.
Notes: With more time and a higher degree of skill, the facial MoCap can be done fairly well using ARkit and viseme editing by hand. Although for the body animations, a proper MoCap suit is required, until AI can possibly catch up. Additionally, caricatures are difficult to execute tastefully when facial animating, due to their non conforming features.
Was fun 10/10 learned a lot, would do again, maybe.
プロジェクト名: 2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - (Love)
作家: Danilo Rosa da Silva
The project takes the quote from the work of the book by O Pequeno Principe.
I want to bring the comfort of a good relationship between a first-time mother and her daughter.
プロジェクト名: Elven Creed - Movie Trailer
作家: Dorian Sean Harrison
This is a trailer for the flim "Elven Creed". The high elves are faced with a beginning battle from Balagos's Orc armies. King Aeson (king of all elves) assists his high elven armies from the attack of the orcs!
プロジェクト名: The Temple - A rap video test
作家: Recep Pagliarulo
A preproduction technical test for an upcoming rap music video clip.
The track is made by the artist M.U.S.A.
The idea and motivation behind this project is to find the possibilities of the new features given by the Unreal Engine.
プロジェクト名: Give me a drink bartender_meme
I remade the meme that started with the game "THE TOWN WITH NO NAME" into 3D.
The first scene is c4d, and the rest is iclone.
プロジェクト名: Love,Rosie.
作家: Petar Puljiz
In this sequence, love story based on subtle things.Goal was to get deep emotion with subtle animations.