You could duplicate the SSS shader and write it for glitter so it changes based on light settings and angle. We can't use the existing roughness channel or metal channel to make this work because the sparkle will remain static. I achieved glitter in iC8 but not yet refined as it potentially...More
You may have heard Unity Acquired Ziva for an undisclosed amount some time after financial backing of ***7 MILLION DOLLARS*** in seed funding Bringing a more simplified and available solution to Reallusion and users, I feel rich and somewhat robbed (just...More
After new clean PC install without 3dXchange I cant find the folder where to put *.3dxProfile files to let iclone load them automatically. Tried to copy them into the Reallusion folder in \Public documents but it does not find them I see other motion profiles in CC4 characterization menu...More
I am using iClone since you released its version 7. It has wonderful improvements in iClone 8 and CC4. I have a suggestion that kindly also improve the quality of PBR material rendering. Specially it needs to improve metallic, roughness and glow tabs that it may give a more realistic result...More
I am new to Iclone and animation in general but am planning on generating mterial for a mental health group I attend and would like to add sign language for any people attending where it would be helpful or necessary. Is this possible. Thanks...More
I have a scene and some accessories parented to the head no longer appear when the scene is fully loaded. It may have to do with clipping. The accessories do appear only if I move the camera back very far. I also noticed that if I port the character over to character creator and select the...More
Gekauft und noch nicht funktioniert auch die Neuen Programme nicht schaut selbst was ich gekauft habe. Bin ewig Kunde und habe nur einen Namen Udo Awe und bin stinke sauer...More