STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Put a project with Chinese name on desktop 2. Right-click this project and select Open, or drag this project to the program...More
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch iClone 6, press and hold "Ctrl", then drag a random popVideo file to viewport 2. Launch Timeline, expand Video track of the prop...More
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch iClone 6, apply a random prop content (e.g. Arc_001) 3. Click and hold the right mouse click, drag a random popVideo file to the prop, then select To:Arc_001 > Diffuse Map...More
STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Launch iClone 6, apply a random prop content (e.g. Arc_001) 3. Click and hold the right mouse click, drag a random popVideo file to the prop, then select To:Arc_001 > Diffuse Map...More