Title: Animation At Work 2022 Explore Space | Twitchymo Studio Author: Mark Dent My submission for the CTA Animation At Work Contest 2022, and published on the webpage. I noticed that my WIP playlist link does not work. I have included a list of all the WIP youtube videos and the links....More
I've cycled through the list of bones to identify influences and also selected verts on body parts such as the foot to know why the verts are being stretched over to the opposite side as if the Characterization ignores the toe weight paint - Also why in bone edit mode the breast bones are symmetric...More
I don't know if this is a bug or an oversight, but bones that weren't included in characterization should be adjustable, this is essential! FK mode in Edit Motion Layer still allows us to animate non characterized bones with FK which is awesome but we have no way to refine the bones in CC4...More
Most of us usually don't sculpt with smooth with wireframe in sculpting programs, it's extremely hard to see smoothness with wireframe render mode. To see smoothness we usually see the normal sculpt mesh and examine with lighting....More
This is an easy method for Individual hairs, or other meshes attach to any area that has multiple joint influences. With right click and copy over the mouse position, the user is able to copy all the weight influences from many joints then then select another object's verts, either partially...More
Pose based retargeting by using a Dynamic 3D version of the Human Retargeting Characterization map -the user customizes the 3D Characterization pose altering it to match the character to be retargeted. For example If you posed the Dynamic Human Characterization model into a quadruped pose there...More
Some times the bone order is not ideal or the model has too many/unnecessary joints. Some might want to simplify the joints for games or prep a version of it for sale etc. Often after creating an experimental character externally I'd import into CC4 and examine functionality with animation...More
When sending models to Zbrush using Goz, the model isn't scaled to Zbrush unit size to work properly with Symmetry - symmetry looses focus. (I've Talked with Paul Gaboury -Pixologic dev about this issue and he stated that this is the reason why it looses focus) Solution: CC4 needs to activate...More