Character Creator 4
Issue 8889
Duplication of Custom Characters
Am informed that Character Creator4 is not backward compatible (at this time regarding Custom characters) and I am now required to save a duplicate character in another directory for CC4.

This is eating up precious storage space, aggravating, and the constant re-installation of already installed assets is duplicating and sucking up hard drive space.

I have been a Reallusion member since 2011 and I am not happy with all the extra time to re-install and the hard drive space I have to give up to do the same things I do basically in CC3 and iClone7.

I'm running out of storage space which means additional costs to get higher capacity hard drive. I have 4 terabyte hard drive and am down to less than 1 terabyte of free space.

Reallusion needs to make backward compatibility a standard procedure, at least backward compatible with the last current version/s.

I understand the complexity and demands that the applications are required to do, but there should also be a way to help the user conserve resources, especially storage by not having over duplication of assets.

Also, as some of the naming conventions of assets such as one prop named "Prop" is causing more duplication when installed, as there are many assets just named 'prop' or 'freebie' and when installed install the first prop that is named prop or freebie, up to 6 or 7 times or more.


S Coleman
Down-N-Dirty Productions
OS: Windows 7
  •  0
  •  327
Submitted byneXuses Sep 15, 2022