123 issues found


Not a Bug
To see the issue open up the latest version of CC4, pick a character, pick some clothes, go to edit mesh on any of these meshes, go to the sculpt mode, select the smooth brush, and start brushing over the top of the model. In some of the areas you will notice the topology start to kink at odd...More
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Submitted by LostBoys


When creating a character in CC4, in every instance pixelated dots appear on the character's skin. These dots vanish when the camera is zoomed in or if viewing closely in the viewport in preview mode, but when you zoom out, they reappear. Initially, I thought they were just part of the character...More
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Submitted by StormGrrl


Whenever I add skin details onto my character from the Content tab, it activates the Headshot Sculpt Morph (Which, I cannot get to work as I do not have the 1000+ morphs in my Smart Content Browser for some reason). Here is a video of what happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=494lBpYep0k...More
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Submitted by Goatcheese


Not Reproducible
Following a thread in Reallusion support, it has been suggested that we post the following query here to the Feedback tracker as well:
We've been trying to figure out an issue regarding animations and blendshapes coming from a CC4 character into Unity.
We cannot use blendshapes while an animation...More


Not a Bug
When I do Goz, if I check *0.01 (Default), it comes in at 0.18cm, and when I don't check it, it seems to come in at 1800cm.
Even if you just extract it with OBJ, it comes in at 18cm.
Export scale is strange....More
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Submitted by bhs_swlc


Not a Bug
If you want to fix some morphs and reupload the file, the morphs dont update
neither with the fbx import neither with the frame sequence...More
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Submitted by ahingel


Hello, I have a problem the program can't find the texture file.
It seems that everything in SkinGen cannot work.
But I remember that it can still be used before updating to the current version....More
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Submitted by 9sirahallow


I have a problem with wrong paths. Before installation of CC4 I created folder Reallusion on my E: disk for the content that will be stored.
I dragged some makeup on my character and when the makeup was loading the error occurred. It seems like CC4 thinks the content is on my D: disk. Very...More
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Submitted by arek1234556


Hi Support-Team,
I am new to Character Creator and i have a big Problem with the CC4 Camila Actor.
I Just double click on Camila then rotate her face in viewport to show the Problem part in her face and then i start the Iray Render Preview. Only this 3 steps....More
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Submitted by a.rott


For a future update to Character Creator 4, I think that it would be quite helpful if a couple of parameters were introduced that could give artists the capability of either generating a new character completely at random using the artists' entire material/asset library, or by giving the artists...More
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