1. Open project in CC4.01 eg. Camila / Coyote / Alika 2. Open Facial Profile Editor and click Edit Expressions 3. If Viseme section says "8+7 Phoneme Pair" click it to change to 1:1 Direct viseme set (it doesn't not matter if you choose to save a back-up or not)...More
Clothes are not converted correctly in Transformer. I put clothes, hair, and shoes on DAZ's G8F, exported it with FBX, and loaded it with CC4's Transformer, but the hair, shirt, and shoes were loaded with a downward shift. The shape of the shirt has also collapsed. Also, when I exported the...More
Purchased "Digital Soul 100+" order ID#10929222 but have no way to access it in either CC4 or iClone 8. Followed all FAQ / online including this: https://manual.reallusion.com/content-manager/2.0/04-downloading-contents/downloading-purchased-contents.htm?_gl=1*jtmkfr*_ga*MzQzMjc5MTc4LjE2MzMyMTc5NDQ...More
After exporting a clothed character from CC4 to Unreal 5 and importing it under HQ Shader all the textures come in as basic/regular materials. I have tried both - "Create new textures" and " Don't Create New textures and Import Textures turned off" (as the tutorial video suggested) to the same...More
In addition to the problems described in issue 8604, I am seeing this issue when trying to import Genesis 3 Male figure and clothing. Clothes are fitted correctly to the body as long as they are parented to the figure in DAZ and exported with "Merge Clothing into Figure Skeleton" set, but...More
When I go from CC4 to zbrush it works but when I want to go back I get this error; Assertion failed: false, file main.cpp, line 20 This is what it shows in the DOS window....More