The current behavior of the CTI means that whenever you click somewhere in the timeline, the CTI moves to that point. However, that behavior can be quite annoying when you're copy & pasting keyframes etc, as it moves to whatever keyframe you click on etc. It would be great to have an option...More
The Transition Curve presets are ok, but I think everyone would appreciate a proper spline editor for the keyframes so we can really dial in the moves. The AE graph editor is a great example of this....More
When setting keys for head movements, it is all linear. I'd like to smooth the face transitions. Even more, a splines curve editor for all keyframes in CTA4 would be very nice, must have for custom timing and smoothness in any animation. Tks,...More
I'd like to suggest adding the ability to reverse a motion clip in CTA4.4. So if a character does a dance motion for instance you can copy that same dance motion just past it, choose reverse and the character does all the dance moves in reverse....More
Hi, I'd highly appreciate the implementation of the "Body Puppet panel" into CTA4 for G3 characters. This feature (body puppeteering) would speed up the process of motion creation tremendously. Thanks....More
Hi, I am hoping that we can get a new "Subtitle" feature which lets us click a box in stage mode so that subtitles are generated automatically from character voices (into a top-most image layer) from whatever the characters are saying, please? We would need to be able to choose: 1) Our custom...More
We jump between different editors very often when animating and refining etc. It would be great if we could keep multiple editor panels open at the same time, so then all we need to do to 'activate' that editor is to click on the panel. That way we can flick between things quicker & don't have...More
I would like the ability to zoom into the character's head using a shortcut key or an option in the zoom menu without manually having to do it each time. The zoom is slow so having this option would speed things up for me....More