1 - It would be great advantage if it would be possible to "import a image sequence", not only movies (as most animation programs do have this option - even Amiga in its golden years back in 1990) to CA4 to the background or to the image layer. If there would be more than one "image level"...More
Comment retrouver les acteurs,Les décors,Les props Que j'avais Acheter Ou bien créer? Ils sont sur Cta3 pipelines, Mais n'apparaissent pas Sur Cartoon animation : Copie des pages Quand je les demande : Les caractères sont Très peu lisible Et les fichiers Impossible À charger Dans un projet...More
When you install the programs Face 3d tracker and the plugin motion live 2d ... if you try to use the window Content manager (F4) CT4 crash .. https: //youtu.be/FkJhTz14LNY You can only open the characters and motions from the windows explorer folder, even so, if...More
When I export a CTA4 Vector Buddy character into Affinity Photo, edit, then import that character back into CTA4, the sprite elements will often scatter. The head will shrink and the sprites need to be adjusted back into place. Hope this problem is adjusted in updates....More
Here's the use case. I created an animation project and half way through there was a need to push all the animation for one character (transform, motion, facial animation, etc) a few keyframes down the timeline in order to make room for the intro. I have not been able to find a way to do it...More
In CTA4 ,it has an option for gear location ;desk but not head mount like I see in this iclone video. Leap Motion documentation says the head mounted position is more accurate so please enable the head mount option. Thank you Tim...More
I was trying to remove animation from a character when it crashed. I clicked on the character, then right clicked "remove object animation." That is when it crashed. I've opened a ticket and submitted the crash report. I had updated to 4.02 today, as well as updating my Mac to the most recent...More
I have a lot of G2 characters that I have made in prior versions. They use clothing and faces from standard Reallusion packs, but look much better than most existing G3 characters. I like the characters and the style of them, but the G3 bone rig and animation would make them perform much...More