Windows 10 home OS, NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 950m, INTEL Graphics card also. Plenty of memory both in system and graphics card. Double click on Desktop Icon or executable. Splash screen displays - really small - acts like its loading everything, white 3x5 window displays with menu, then goes away...More
the program locks up on reset scale then crashes if I un check that then it will crash a little later this problem is new I have exported several models to unity already on feather testing I find that its only happing to 1 character (who has been exported before) I just adjusted the body...More
I found another bug with anatomy of daz characters after update in 3dxchange 7.2, namely pelvic bones are duplicated and the button "Convert" is not activated. Details in attached video
I found a bug with 3dxchange, details in attached video
Hello RL, I got an out-of-memory message plus 3DXchange stuck when I started a batch conversion of about 400 BVH files. The whole size of the BVH is 675MB, so far less than 1 Gb and 3DXchange runs to an out of memory....More
I installed 3dx 7.2 and it crashes. Saw on the forums that C++ redist was the issue. So, I removed it and reinstalled iclone 7 and 3dx 7 latest version. 3dx still crashes. I have attached the log file....More
Hello Reallusion, iClone is becoming more and more powerful, but 3DXChange is stuck to its old 32b version, which greatly limits the size of the assets imported or exported. It is kind of a pity that 3DXChange has not been upgraded to 64b yet, because this makes it impossible, for example...More
Import any OBJ with an item that can be made into a sub-prop. Make it into a sub-prop (note: do NOT make a sub prop out of a sub prop -- THAT *will* rotate correct). Either export as iProp or bring into iClone and try and rotate said sub-prop. It will fail. Note that the same procedure...More