3DXchange 7
Released in 7.01
Issue 3410
unable to export FBX mocap from Mixamo to iClone
I am using 3dxchange 7 Pipeline to import Mixamo animation [FBX file] to iClone.
when I try this then "Apply to iClone" button is not active and also the Animation is not running
I am using this tutorial for reference ::

Please find the attached snapshot for my system preview and Animation file which I try to export .You can see in snapshot that "Apply to iclone" is gray out.It should be work as you tube tutorial
OS: Windows 10
Duplicate Issue:   Mixamo fbx import issue
  • jump.png
  •  7
  •  5482
Submitted byvikas4goyal Jul 10, 2017
1 2
zakarDamari Aug 20, 2017
So any progress fixing this bug? I have access to all these.animations that I would love to be able to use. Is there another workflow that could be used? 
Feedback Tracker Admin Jul 12, 2017
Thank you for your feedback.

If you see a message box like the attached "Message.jpg" during the fbx loading process, means that the bone structure in your fbx can be auto mapped to the Non-Standard character. If not, you will need to do the mapping manually by clicking the "Convert to Non-Standard" button in the Character panel as shown in the attached "Convert.png"

After the conversion, it should be able to apply to iClone.

The animation not running is a bug, we will try to fix it.

  • Convert.png
  • Message.jpg
1 2