iClone 8
Released in 8.51
Issue 11503
materials for Blender scens fail to import into iclone
creatate a scene in blender, wether using a purchsed prefab, or sculpted doesn't mater. first off, you can't export a whole scene into blender using the data link, (crashes) So you can try to save using .obj or .fbx

then import into iclone, the materials for the obkect either don't come in at all, or only a few, i have ttached screen shots of the issue that is part of an onging discussionin your forum, the heading is 'iclone needs to do better'

while this are is a great , it really doesn't serve you well at all, what you need to do is have this section as part of the community forum. This would give you a more feedback, and grerater transparency with resoltution of issues.

also, you need to review features that you have already created, and see if they need to be update for better perfomance.

'even the best can be better tomorrow'
OS: Windows 11
  • Screenshot 2024-09-02 092526.png
  • image_2024-09-07_083111945.png
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Submitted bykissmecomix
Molly, it is not a crash, the materials in the models, do not import into iclone as shown ih the screenshots, that is what i"m having issus with. if it was a humanoid object the materials port in, but anything else it doesn't work
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi kissmecomix,

I have got it.Bug I can't repeat crash.

sure, problem, it will be the original project that I'm currently working on, I ended up buying assets from the asset store, in order to keep our goal of getting the project done by the end of September
would you want the saved blender file too? or just the exports??
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi kissmecomix,

Can you provide your project file to help us identify the problem?Please attach the file in your next comment. If the file size is larger than 10MB, you can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.

Your help is highly appreciated.
