iClone 7
Released in 7.3
Issue 3790
iClone runs at 1K on 4K monitor
After upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2 iClone now runs at 1080p resolution even on a 4K monitor.
The application looks magnified and upscaled, resulting in a stretched and blurred interface.
Previous versions were fine.
OS: Windows 10
  •  10
  •  4318
Submitted byMatt GH
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Matt GH
I just tried to uninstall 7.2 and installing an old 7.0 from a setup file I found in a backup harddrive. The program runs smoothly at native 4K resolution!

The problem is that I really need CurveEditor, so 7.0 alone is not enough for me at the moment, and the auto-upgrade wants to jump directly to 7.2 skipping 7.1 entirely.
Matt GH
I tried uninstalling iClone, rebooting the system and install a clean version of 7.2, but the issue still persists.
Please help, for it's very unconfortable to use the program this way since some menu items are impossible to read.
Feedback Tracker Admin
We have got your files, thank you for your help.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Also please capture a full desktop image with iClone running, to show us how iClone looked like.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Please provide your system information file to help us identify the problem.

Here is the description about how to get your system information file.

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the file available to us and email the link with "FT3790" in the email title to

Your help is highly appreciated.

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