iClone 7
Issue 6076
When selecting 'Transition Curve Presets' do not animate to the key frame just go there
I have started using IClone as a PowerPoint replacement and it works really well, but when you are at Frame 6,000 and you select a 'Transition Curve Preset' from the list, IClone wants to animate the movie from the last key frame of this prop, which is frequently zero all the way to the new key frame.

I either have to stop the animation and type in the keyframe number I was just at, or get up and get a drink and come back in 5 minutes when IClone reaches the keyframe I was already at.

This is the biggest annoyance in IClone right now to me.

And whoever came up with only 10 votes in this forum should be fired.

Wouldn't IClone be 100 times better if everyone got 1,000 votes?
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  1332
Submitted byData Juggler
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It hasn't bothered me thus far so I would agree with an option to disable it, but I don't want it to be eliminated.
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