Issue 11048
USD exports not working in other DCCs (Houdini and Blender)
Steps to reproduce issue:
Launch CC4
Open default project (talking Kevin for example)
Export as USD (both real time and path traced settings give the same result)
Import into Houdini's Solaris stage (file -> sublayer -> usd file)
Import into Blender with USD import.
No material or texture information is transferred or loaded in. When inspecting the USD file in Houdini, all materials and code are put into one large layer that seems to use different verbiage than something like Maya might output USD files, where each object has its own layer.
Blender also shows no texture information or any form of material, seemingly showing the information isn't generated quite correctly.
Expected result:
Files load with relevant materials correctly imported.
Included are a few examples of what I see in Blender and Houdini, along with the USD code compared to something Maya would output with each object being in its own layer.
I have also tried this with Omniverse, but it seems to also have a few issues with formats or strings and throws quite a few warnings while still loading.
Submitted byChoppedpotatoes
Dec 21, 2023