Character Creator 3
Issue 5776
Texturing make me angry, sorry, it need saying I feel
Kia ora

I like to see us be able to find the textures for ouir model together, I'm frustrated having the Albedo and Normal one place and all the other maps 10 folders deep some place else.
Is there a vaild reason that textuers get put so deep in a folder structure specialy when some folder and the same name as the parent folder

The other thing I find really anoying (make me angry to be honest) is the export textures std_default_01.png std_default_02.png this does NOT help when working on a texture
and you need to find the normal map or the albedo map. PLEASE lets get professional and clean this lot up, I'm sorry but this looks like the work of an untrained ham who does NOT know
what theyer doing or are just plain lazy, put hours on any work needed to be done sorting to go in engine

Your doing GREAT work but letting things down in place's. thank you for your efforts
OS: Windows 8.1
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  •  928
Submitted byKiwi-Hawk