I appreciate you having posted this. My super 40 had worked but much of the rest of Popcorn FX crashed things after about 90 frames. Some started working after I ignored my computer saying drivers were up to date and my going and grabbing the most recent one for my card. So thank you for bringing this up. You were not alone.
That does seem to make things less glitchy for me. Thank you. I know just enough to know not to mess with register entries on my own. Is there a downside to leaving ROV off? Or, should I turn it on and off when I am using iClone vs something else? Thank you.
Hi Molly. I'll give it a go, thank you. Not really complaining, just offering that is helpful when other users bring up issues even if the end result is something within our control. I appreciate RL's great product.
Hi 1stOffendment, Please close ROV and try it again. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B9ZP0MKbhkGDRK5KlwYQ_3-9DGITAuTP Molly Reallusion
The problem *seems* to have been resolved with a recent Nvidia update. Thanks, and sorry for the trouble!
Popcorn FX only crashes on my computer with Nvidia card. It does not crash on my computer with AMD card.
Hi jasonjbrown, I have got it. Thank you for your help. Molly Reallusion
Hello Molly, here is the crash dump and log file. Thank you again!