Please Solve my issue of trouble to lost 20 years of customer relations with reallusion
My name is Dr. Sehoh Kang, who's ID is
I joined the reallusion since around year 2000. The ID was made with e-mail address of Unitel, Korean Internet company. Unfortunately, the Unitel Comany closed the operation few years ago.
Actually I purchased a lot of products including Iclone(up to version 7), Cartoon animater (upto version 4), Character Creator (up to version 3), and other contents.
Since I lost the password of the account, I could not get the password link through my email address because the Unitel company has closed the operation.
Please let me know how to resolve my issue to enter my account whether sending me my password or changing my account ID from into
I urgently need to resolve my issue to upgrade Iclone 7 to Iclone 8, and cartoon animater 4 to cartoon 5.
I am looking forward your reply through my email address of, whose name is Sehoh Kand.