Character Creator 4
Not a Bug
Issue 8861
Perception Neuron 3 MOCAP Not importing Correctly (Shoulders Squared)
When I used the PN3 mocap data I tried utilizing the auto import motion option in the CC4 program. The issue when importing the data is the shoulders are very squared. I used the PN3 profile. When I import my mocap from PN3s Axis studio to unreal engine however, the shoulders are perfect, which leads me to believe the issue is with CC4. I can't use this software with this issue. It's also an issue in the CC3/3DExhange software importing process as well.
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  531
Submitted bywebsites_899962 Sep 5, 2022
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Feedback Tracker Admin Mar 1, 2023
Hi websites_899962,

Sorry for the late reply.
Could you send your PN3 mocap data to us, so that we can identify the issue properly.
You can upload files to cloud drive such as Google Drive, and attached the download link in your next comment.
Also you can set comment as private if you want.
Thanks for your help!

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