3DXchange 6
Released in 6.51
Issue 586
Out of Memory error
I am trying to load an FBX into IClone 6.5 3D Xchange. The file I am trying to load is from DAZ 3D it is called The Warehouse. While in Xchange the program stops and gives me an error. I tried several times sometimes I get a memory error. I tried on 2 different machines. one has 16 gig of memory and the other has 32gig of memory. Do not know if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong. Need your assistance thanks in advance.
OS: Windows 10
  • Out of Memory verified 1.JPG
  • Out of Memory verified 2.JPG
  •  10
  •  8299
Submitted byccsmith1
1 2
Trying to send FBX file. File too big to send
Since version 6.5.1904.1 this out of memory problem has got worse.
I am now not able to load .fbx file from DAZ above 2,000KB.
Previously it was over 50,000KB.
This makes for me 3DX6 for me unusable, can I revert back to previous version. has been sent to you, as also a sample .fbx file.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ccsmith1,

The issue you mentioned could not be reproduced in our test environment, please send us the FBX you applied to

Thank you very much for your understanding.

When trying to load avatars from DAZ (.fbx files) constantly get out of memory error.
I have 16 Gbytes memory, this can't be true.
Max size for Genesis 2 models 40,000KB, from Genesis 3 model less, 15,000KB
Systeminfo collector file send to feedbacktracker email
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ccsmith1,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

In order for us to fix the issue, we need to be able to reproduce it. Could you please send us the FBX you applied? If could, please send it to

Besides, it would be help if you could provide your PC’s system information to us.
 1. Please go visit:
2. A file named "" will be downloaded automatically    
3. Find and extract this zip file, then click "RLSystemInfoCollector.exe" to execute
4. Click "OK" when displaying dialog "Please click OK to start collecting system information."
5. After the process is done, click "OK" on dialog "Finish collecting system information."
6. Find "" and send it to

Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated.

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