iClone 7
Released in 7.21
Issue 3726
Opacity Maps - Odd Processing
There is something has changed in opacity maps processing which now has a negative impact on rendering. I have seen other users complain about different aspects related to opacity maps, but I will give you couple of examples of my discovery (Everyone feel free to comment with your own discovery).

1. Image 1 - Shows how the same character was rendered in IC6, IC7 and CC 2.3. There sure a problem with hair confirmation in the frontal, but it is not revealed in IC6 nor in CC2.3 as you may see.

2. Image 2 - Shows how pocking through occurs on the reflection. Again this has never happened in iClone 6

I would not know the details but overall it looks as if opacity maps and alpha threshold is not properly processed and in addition the influence of normal maps is greatly reduced when "fine" opacity maps are used for the material.
OS: Windows 7
  • HAIR.jpg
  •  3
  •  1581
Submitted by4u2ges
Hi Wayn,

Thank you for investigating and reporting. 

Yes, I did figure, the hair problem was rather confirmation, than the opacity. It's all good.

And about "Tessellation Shadow"...  just couple of days ago I bumped into different problem with reflection and posted at the forum. 

Now I know it's all parts of the same problem. 

I guess there is not need to open another FT entry :)

Thank you
Hi 4u2ges,

1. For the hair problem, I delete the hair with wrong opacity, save the hair from right character, and then apply this saved hair again, the result seems correct. (refer to Save_Apply.png)

2. For the reflection bug, it was cause by the tessellation bug. If you check the "Tessellation Shadow" in the preference tab, you could see the reflection bug. (refer to TessellationShadowOn.png)

You can work around this bug first by turning off the "Real Time" smooth of the Character, as shown in "TurnOffRealTimeSmooth.png", while waiting our next patch to fix this issue.

If the work around didn't work, please let us know.

Thank you again for reporting this issue, and help us find the tessellation bug :)

  • Save_Apply.png
  • TessellationShadowON.png
  • TurnOffRealTimeSmooth.png
Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Please provide your project file to help us identify the problem.

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and email the link with "FT3726" in the email title to

Your help is highly appreciated.
