iClone 6
Issue 311
Octane Renderer Plugin
There is a fatal mismatch between indigo and iClone6 in terms of Graphics card support. iClone6 leans towards NVIDIA, whereas indigo leans towards AMD. This guarantees "functional incompatibility" over the long term even with new releases of indigo, leaving iclone users frustrated and disappointed thanks to unmet expectations.

Time to make a switch? Octane renderer seems to be a perfect match for iClone and the vendor currently supports products like DAZ and Poser which are like functional cousins to iClone.

According to Otoy, if someone develops a plugin according to their standards (which they provide), they will adopt it. The only negative being that they keep the copyright. Despite that, I think having support for octane will bring tremendous long term value for RL in terms of new leads as well as the type and scale of projects implemented with iclone.

Octane is the natural "next step" for iclone rendering. Please RL, give us Octane in 6.x as a consolation for indigo dissapointments!
OS: Windows 7
  •  20
  •  11296
Submitted bypmaina
1 234
Indigo Renderer is just plain bizarre.  I would like to see some other professional rendering options available.
I have not read all the comments, but one renderer that is blazing fast, although biased, is Redshift, they are looking for developers to code exporters at the moment, might be a good solution for iClone!
I've been looking at renderers lately: another interesting one is Guerilla Render, which provides one free full license to anyone and is far more user-friendly than Renderman (hard to use without Maya).

Octane is pretty fast as far as I can tell and is $399; V-ray is around double that, which may be a bit much for most users.
Link to V-Ray RT features:
pmaina VRAY (a biased renderer) is another strong candidate - probably the strongest of them all. If I could edit the thread, I would replace Octane with VRAY.
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