Issue 7831
New features and improvements
I would love it to have the following Iclone improvements, focused on animation.
- Being able to create an animation cycle, only with certain poses and not having to repeat the process of the opposite axis again.
-To be able to improve the animations with the physics (only if the user needs it).
- That to animate, have an Onion Skin effect (on / off).
-Dope Sheet, please.
-When exporting an animation, only the frames where there is animation are exported and not the total of the timeline.
-Update the workflow with Unity.
Some improvements are simple and others are complex, but since it is a program focused on animation I think it is a good range of improvements.
I feel that the "Dope Sheet" is essential in any animation program, like the "Graph Editor", which unfortunately did not come by default in Iclone.
Personally, I really like Iclone, Character Creator, and 3DExchange, I bought them to help them continue with the development of this program, because we all know how easy it is to find them for free on the web.
Submitted bydasv90
Apr 16, 2021