iClone 7
Released in 7.71
Issue 6458
Near and Far Clipping Plane values can no longer be set independently
The Near and Far values for the Clipping Plane for a camera can no longer be set independently.

The default is a range between 0.1 and 999.0 (used to be 1 and 9999). When changing one of the values, the other one follows. For example, when setting Far to 9999, the value of Near becomes 1.

One undesirable consequence is that when setting the maximum value for Far (99999), the Near value becomes 10, thus cutting off the nose of a face when it is close, for example, or any other close object. For scenes with close and far items (space for example), this new behavior is disastrous.

Older projects load with the intended Clipping Plane settings for the cameras preserved, but any change will mess up the settings for long ranges. Saving the project without touching the values retains those values.

The issue can be easily demonstrated by changing the Clipping Plane values as described above.

The desired behavior is for the Clipping Plane values to be independently adjustable as in earlier versions of iClone.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1041
Submitted byanimagic