Character Creator 4
Released in 4.02
Issue 8700
Missing Morph Sliders for CC4 Camila (and other characters)
1. Select CC4 Camila
2. Get alert 'Slider Not found' see attached
3. Open Modify and click on body parts to check for morph sliders

Actual result:
No sliders available for ANY body part - including headshot Morph 1000+ - for ANY character I select from Content
(only previously made CC3 sliders appear - and these function fine)

Expected result:
All sliders to be found
headshot morph to work

NOTE 1: when i uninstalled and reinstalled Headshot Morph 1000+ sliders appeared. But when restarted they were gone again
NOTE 2: when use "find file" sliders are in Reallusion\Reallusion Templates\AvatarControl\Headshot Morph 1000+\Embed
OS: Windows 10
  • missingCC4Slider.png
  • missingCC4Slider2.png
  • findFileCC4Slider.png
  •  5
  •  3414
Submitted byoberdoofus
UPDATE: Fixed with new 4.02 update
UDATE: (still broken)

1. I uninstalled and reinstalled the 'characters' pack - as per
And this works BUT if I save & close the project/program and then reopen - I am back where I started - with all morph sliders (except for custom ones) still missing. 
I also have to do the same thing for my Headshot Morph plugins/packs to get their sliders to appear every time I reopen a project
2. I have also uninstalled - redownloaded - and reinstalled CC4 and each plugin from the hub and each time I get the same result  - I always end up needing to do step 1. above again

I don't really want to have to uninstall and reinstall packs to get them to work every time I load a character/project as I am about to start a project that requires many characters? Also after initially recommending CC4 to my clients - I now have to ask them to hold off until this recent issue/bug can be resolved.

FWIW CC4 worked fine until recently - not sure if it was broken during the update?
Appreciate your help in this - Thanks!
update: i have tried all the solutions in this post:
and while it works partly it is not really a workable solution

1. I uninstalled and reinstalled the characters pack - this works BUT if I close the program/project and then reopen - I am back where I started - with all morph sliders (except for custom ones) gone. 
I also have to do the same thing for my Headshot Morph plugins/packs

2. I have uninstalled - redownloaded - and reinstalled CC4 and each plugin from the hub and each time - same result  - I always end up needing to do step 1. above 

I don't really want to have to uninstall and reinstall multiple packs to get them to work each time I load a character/project as I am about to start a project that requires many characters?  Help pls!
Also FYI I did previously Sync Installed Assets (following an official instructions). And prior to the update 4.01 - the morph sliders all worked

NOTE: Ultimate Morph set also not showing up in Modify panel
  • SyncAssetsCC4Slider.png
Only Sliders that appear are
Actor parts> 