Character Creator 2
2.0 Beta 1
Issue 1966
Make Exports more friendly if you have labelled them as such.
Please note that running the RLSystemInfoCollector.exe must be done as an administrator or it will error out.

I exported an FBX of a simple standard girl in t-shirt and jeans shorts. The most basic of the basic.

Importing into UE4 was wonderful. Not a glitch to be seen, no iris discoloration.

I imported using one option differently each time:

1. With setting T0 as a reference pose.
2. Without setting T0 as a reference pose.

When setting T0 as a reference pose I received no error messages during import.

When NOT setting T0 as a reference pose I received the attached image: iC7_UE4_Bone_Mapping_Error_When_Not_Using_T0_as_Reference_Pose

I believe that if you are putting in useful tips like 'z-up for UE4' perhaps this should be extended to just being able to select UE4 (or other engine as targets). After all, it's only some bone renaming and it would make the workflow SO much easier.

The attached image: iC7_UE4_Bone_Mapping.png is what happens when you try to automap the bones using the UE4 skeleton Retarget Manager. I haven't tried animating anything yet, but then I can see it would be EXTREMELY painful for the poor girl if I did. After all, if the Pelvis is mapped to the CC_Base_NeckTwist1 it's sure to cause a situation that no matter how hard I try, cannot be unseen.

I know that 3DXchange is the primary route for getting these sorts of things exported properly. However, I do recommend that this be taken into account and passed along to the 3DXchange team as something that would make UE4 users (and any other profiles you create) extremely happy. Bone mapping, weighting, etc is an exceptional hassle.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  1350
Submitted byAtonnis
Where did the images and files I attached go?  Are they not shown on this screen?